SPAR - Film+co classics
For a commercial for the international retailer chain SPAR we were on set as a unit manager and managed the locations. The production was...
Kropac Media - Audi RS3 shooting
Fotoshooting of the new Audi RS3, executed by Kropac Media GmbH. We took care of the location management. Kropac Media GmbH.
"In the past everything was simple. And so today" - ATUPRI
Together with the renowned studio Staudinger & Franke we worked on a fotoshoot for the swiss insurance company ATUPRI. Staudinger & Franke
Arno Geiger, Robert Menasse and Josef Winkler on Austria
A documentary about the views of these three contemporary writers on Austria. Together with "Les poissons volants" we worked in the...
Current Affairs - Conchita Wurst and
Winner of the Eurovision song contest 2014 Conchita Wurst attracts attention all over the world. For a japanese team from we...